2011年3月7日 星期一



1. Other people may be there to help us, teach us, guide us along our path. But the lesson to be learned is always ours.(見第1行)
 As we go through life, other people may be able to help us and guide us, but still only we ourselves can make the decision to change our lives.
(1) ... be there (for sb.) (對某人而言)……都在
例: My father was never there when I needed him.
  Don't worry. Whatever happens, I'll be there for you.
(2) to be learned用來修飾lesson。不定詞當形容詞修飾名詞,表示一定要做的事情;如果該名詞為接受動作者,不定詞得用被動語態。
例: I just came back from a two-week vacation and I've got a lot of work to do.
  Please put the clothes to be washed in this basket.

2. Everyone can identify with the need to fit in.(見第4行)
 Everyone can understand the feeling of wanting to be accepted.
(1) identify with 在此當「認同;有同感」解。
例: We felt good knowing that he could identify with our sorrow.
(2) fit in 在此當「融入;調和;相處融洽」解。
例: It takes time to fit in in a new environment.

3. What I did not realize was that in my desperate need to be perfect, I sacrificed the very body and mind that allowed me to live.(見第8行)
(1) 疑問詞引導的名詞子句,可當主詞、受詞及補語, what I did not realize 在本句則是當作主詞,故視為單數,動詞用was
例: How he accomplished such a difficult task in such a short time is beyond me.
  Please tell me what you have learned from this lesson.
  That was when we started to become friends.
(2) in urgent/desperate need (of sth.) 迫切╱絕望地需要(……)
例: The victims of the earthquake are in urgent need of food, clothing, and shelter.
  Being in desperate need of help, I turned to Vicky, whom I dislike very much.
(3) very 在此當形容詞用,這是一種限定用法,用以強調所修飾的名詞,通常跟在 the/this/ that/one's的後面,當「正是;就是;光是;甚至於」解。
例: He is the very man we talked about in the meeting.
  They broke up on that very day.
(4) body and mind 表「身心」之意。這是相對連用的詞組,詞性必須一致。

black and white黑與白
body and soul 身心
come and go來來往往;變遷
give and take 施與受;互相謙讓;妥協
life and death生與死
physical and mental身體的與心理的
physical and spiritual 肉體的與精神的
pro and con 贊成與反對
the pros and cons 贊成論與反對論
spiritual and material精神的與物質的
supply and demand供給與需求


4. ..., I was constantly involved in something that included an audience viewing my achievements or my failures.(見第12行)
 ..., I was always involved in activities in which an audience was watching me, and could see clearly whether I succeeded or failed.
(1) be involved in/with 當「參與;使埋首於;使專心於;使捲入;牽連」解。
例:Tell me who else was involved in the new project besides our group.
  Everyone in the room was so involved in the work they were doing that they didn't notice that I had been there watching for some time.
(2) viewing my achievements or failures 是由形容詞子句who viewed my achievements or my failures 簡化而來的分詞片語,用以修飾前面的 an audience
5. I was into acting by age seven, and progressed to training for and competing in gymnastics, horseback riding and dance....(見第13行)
(1) into 為一介系詞,在此當「著迷於……」。其他意思有「加入;投身於……;從事於……;專心於……」等。
例:My sister is now into pop music.
  She was soon into the discussion.
(2) progress 是不及物動詞,當「進行;前進;展開;精進」等解。因此本句progressed 後面的 to 是介系詞,所以 to 後的兩個動詞 train compete都要用動名詞形式。
(3) train 在此是不及物動詞,當「訓練;練習」。train for意思是「為……作練習」。
例: We are training for the boat race on Dragon Boat Festival.
  The young man had trained to be a psychologist but decided to become a gourmet chef instead.
(4) compete v. [I] 競爭;角逐;比賽;爭奪
competition n. [U, C] 競爭;競賽;角逐;比賽
competitive adj. 競爭的;比賽的;好逞強爭勝的;不落人後的
competitor n. [C] 競爭者;角逐者;對手
compete in a race/dance/horseback riding/ gymnastics 參加賽跑/跳舞/騎馬/體操比賽
compete with/against ... 和……角逐╱競爭
compete for 爭奪……
come into competition with/against 和……展開比賽╱競爭
enter a (swimming/...) competition 參加(游泳/……)比賽
例:It's really not easy to survive in a highly competitive society.
  The competitors are not allowed to wear their school uniforms.
  They competed with each other for the leadership position.
  He will be competing against the world's best in boxing.
  The two sisters are always competing for attention.
  My younger sister is going to enter a swimming competition this coming Saturday.

6. ...all of which required major commitment, discipline and strength.(見第15行)
 ...all of these things required a great deal of time and work and strength.
這裡的 which 是關係代名詞,指的是本句前面所提的gymnastics體操、horseback riding騎馬和dance舞蹈等競賽。此句亦可寫成 and all of them required major....
7. My personality thrived on the high energy required to keep up.(見第16行)
 I had the kind of personality that really needed to be involved in high-energy activities of this kind.
(1) personality n. [U, C] 個性,性格;名人
strong/weak personality 強烈╱軟弱的個性
personality trait 個性特質
personality disorder 人格異常
personality clash 個性衝突
split personality 人格分裂
TV/radio/sports personality 電視╱廣播╱運動名人
例:She plays a character with a strong personality in that movie.
  We are going to compare these two groups of students in terms of several personality traits, such as their enthusiasm towards learning.
  Mr. Johnston suffers from a serious personality disorder; sometimes he even talks as if he were somebody else.
  Because of a personality clash with some of her new colleagues, Emma quit her job.
  Jack seems to have a split personality; sometimes I don't know whom I am talking to.
  Being a TV personality, he is recognized everywhere he goes.
(2) required to keep up是由形容詞子句 which was required to keep up 簡化而來的分詞片語,用以修飾前面的 the high energy

8. ..., my struggles with self-esteem and happiness increased.(見第21行)
 ..., I began to have more trouble feeling good about myself and feeling happy.

9. ..., I was feeling very inadequate and unsuccessful.(見第22行)
 ..., I felt like I was not good at anything and could not succeed at anything.

10. I had always been a thin-to-average sized person.(見第25行)
 My body shape had always been between thin and average-sized.

11. Suddenly, I was convinced that I was overweight.(見第26行)
convince v. [T] 說服;使……確信……事;使信服……
convinced adj. 確信的
convincing adj. 令人信服的;有說服力的;不容置疑的
例:He tried every way to convince all the people involved, but in vain.
  I'm convinced of her honesty.
  What he said is not convincing.

12. I found myself involved in competition again.(見第28行)
(1) find oneself 當「察覺自己在/是……;覺得;感到」解。
例:How do you find yourself feeling now that you have passed the entrance exam?
  I woke up to find myself in the hospital.
(2) involved 在此是形容詞的用法,修飾前面的 myself,當「捲入;牽連」解,後接介系詞 in,若當「關係深的」解,後接介系詞 with
例:Try not to get yourself involved in such a complicated matter.
  A teacher should not become emotionally involved with his or her students.


13. My mind became obsessed with beating my body at this game.(見第31行)
 I could not stop thinking about trying to control my body, as if this was some kind of competition.

14. ..., and in turn, I felt good about myself.(見第34行)
 ..., and as a result, I felt good about who I was.
in turn 在本課當「於是;因此」解。
例: The oil-producing nations announced a cut in oil production, and this in turn caused oil prices to rise worldwide.
例: Our teacher asked each of us in turn to introduce ourselves in English.

15. Thus began a downward spiral of my becoming what is known as an anorexic.(見第35行)
 In this way, I quickly began to get worse and worse. I was quickly becoming an anorexic.
be known as 當「以作為……而聞名、著名」解。若接介系詞 for,即 be known for,就當「以……而聞名、著名」解。
例:Ms. Ge is known as a patient executive.
  Kyoto is known for its old temples and shrines.
下列的famousfamednoted notorious都是形容詞,前三個字當「有名的;著名的」,而 notorious當「惡名昭彰的;聲名狼藉的」。這些字後如接介系詞 for,即 be famous/famed/noted/notorious for,就當「以……(特色)而聞名、著名/惡名昭彰、聲名狼藉」解,若接介系詞 as 則當「以擔任 ……(角色;身分)而聞名、著名/惡名昭彰、聲名狼藉」解。
be famous for/as(為最普遍的用字)
France is famous for its fine wine.
Bath is famous as a resort for the rich.
be famed for/as(多用於報紙或新聞)
David is famed for his magic tricks.
Harry Welch is famed as a novelist.
be noted for/as(用於具有特殊能力、專長而在某個領域中出名的)
Professor Lin is noted for his originality.
Chien-ming Wang is noted for his success as a baseball player.
be notorious for/as(用於負面)
This city is notorious for its high crime rate.
Emperor Qin Shi Huang was notorious as a tyrant.

16. The dictionary defines it as "suppressing or causing loss of appetite, resulting in a state of anorexia."(見第36行)
(1) define v. [T] 下定義
definition n. [C] 定義
by definition 定義上;按照定義
例:How would you define the word "love"?
  Scholars are by definition knowledgeable people.
(2) as 常跟一些動詞連用,解釋為「當作」。
例: The word "literature" in this article is defined as Chinese literature of the Tang Dynasty.
  I have always regarded him as my mentor.

17. When taken to an extreme, anorexia can cause malnutrition and deprive the body of the important vitamins and minerals that it needs to be healthy.(見第37行)
 When anorexia becomes a serious problem, it can have very serious effects on a person's body. The body will not get enough nutrition, or enough vitamins and minerals, and it cannot stay healthy.
(1) When taken to an extreme 原句是 When anorexia is taken to an extreme
(2) deprive 當「奪去;剝奪;失去」解。要注意的是這個字的用法deprive ... of ...
例: Although he was deprived of love and care as a young child, the boy grew up happily after he was adopted by a good family.
類似用法的動詞V ... of ... 有:
1. 含有「減輕;解除;除去;搶奪」等意思的動詞。
 ease ... of ...   減輕……的……
 relieve ... of ...    解除……的……
 rid ... of ...    除去……的……
 rob ... of ...    搶奪……的……
 His words eased me of my pain.
 I wish I could be relieved of this burden.
 The aim of this protest is to rid the government of corruption.
 The old man arrived home to find that he had been robbed of all his possessions.

2. 同樣是 V ... of ...,但意思各自不同。
 accuse ... of ... 控告……犯下……
 assure ... of ... 向……保證……
 convince ... of ...   使……信服……
 inform ... of ... 通知……有關……
 remind ... of ... 使……想起……
 They accused him of stealing the jewelry.
 I can assure you of her honesty.
 To tell you the truth, I'm not totally convinced of his innocence.
 Please inform me of any changes that are made to the plan.
 His words reminded me of the good old days.

18. It made me feel special, and that I was better than everyone else.(見第43行)
這裡的that是承接前面的feel,即and it made me feel that I was better than everyone else,為了避免重複,因此把it made me feel 省略。

19. At first they weren't alarmed....(見第45行)
 At first, they weren't very surprised and worried....
alarm 動詞用法,當「使驚恐;使擔心;使感到不安;向……傳達危急、發出警報」解,常以被動語態表達。在此的alarmed 可視為被動的表達,或視為形容詞,表達週遭的人剛開始並沒有特別的警覺或驚恐。
alarm n. [C] 警報;警報裝置;恐懼;不安;擔憂;鬧鐘
alarm v. [T] 使驚恐;使擔心;使感到不安;向……傳達危急、發出警報
alarmed adj. 驚慌的;驚恐的
alarming adj. 令人憂心的;令人擔心的;緊迫的
alarm clock 鬧鐘
burglar alarm 防盜警報器
car alarm 汽車警報裝置
fire alarm 火災警報;火災警報器
smoke alarm 煙霧警報器
set the alarm (clock) 設定警報裝置/鬧鐘
the alarm goes/went off(鬧鐘、警報器等)響起
give/raise/sound the alarm 發警報
in alarm 驚慌地;擔心地
例: We were alarmed by the news.
  Don't be alarmed.
  The crime rate in this area is increasing at an alarming rate.
  Please set the alarm for six o'clock in the morning.
  The alarm went off at five in the morning and woke everyone up.
  She looked at the man in alarm.


20. "You look sick." "You'll die if you keep this up."(見第48行)
 You look like you are sick. If you keep doing this, you will die.
keep up 是「持續;繼續下去」之意。這裡的 this 指的是前面所說的減肥這件事。

21. As an actress, I am constantly being judged by my appearance.(見第58行)
(1) as 後面常接某種身分,解釋為「身為……」。
例:As your best friend, I don't want you to get hurt.
(2) constantly adv. 不斷地
例:Her mood is constantly changing; I don't know how to deal with her.
(3) 被動語態的現在進行式
例: The journalists are being held as hostages by the terrorists, who are demanding the release of their leader.
(4) judge ... by .... 根據……來判斷……
例:Don't judge a book by its cover.

22. So I was getting mixed messages.... (見第 60 行)
 I was getting comments from people that were confusing because they sounded both positive and negative at the same time.
mixed 是形容詞,當「混合的;各式各樣的」。這裡是說明各方傳來的訊息評價不一,有正面的,亦有負面的。

23. I cut back on my food more and more, until a typical day consisted of half a teaspoon of nonfat yogurt....(見第63行)
(1) ...until a typical day...
 ...until it was common that in one day (what I ate)...
(2) consist 當「組成」解,為不及物動詞,因此後面要接介系詞of
consist 後面若接介系詞 in,即 consist in,則當「在於」解。
例:Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.
  True happiness consists in peace and contentment.
1. compose 當「組成……;構成……」解,及物動詞,常用被動語態be composed of
2. make up當「組成;構成;組裝」解,常用被動語態 be made up of
Our class is composed of 22 boys and 20 girls.
The team is made up of people from all walks of life.

(3) nonfat「無脂肪的」,non這個字首常跟許多字連用,形成否定字,常見的字則中間連字號會被省略。
nonalcoholic adj. 不含酒精的
nonbeliever n. 沒有宗教信仰的人
non-exclusive adj. 非專屬的
nonexistent adj. 不存在的
nonfiction n. 非小說
nongovernmental adj. 非政府的
nonprofit adj. 非營利的
nonrefundable adj. 不得退費的
nonviolent adj. 無暴力的


24. It got to the point where I no longer went out with my friends.(見第68行)
 It got so serious that I did not go out with my friends anymore.
(1)  point 在此當「程度,限度」解。It got to the point 是指減肥這件事減到……的程度。

1. up to a (certain) point 到某種程度
2. make a point of N/V-ing = make it a point to V重視(做)……;堅持(做)……
3. to the point 要點;貼切;切中要害;主要著眼點
 We make it a point to jog three times a week.
 Keep to the point, please.

(2) no longer = not any longer = not anymore = no more ,表「不再」之意。
例:I'm no longer your friend.
  = I'm not your friend any longer.
  = I'm not your friend anymore.
  = I'm your friend no more.

25. ...what if food was around?(見第71行)
What if ...? 當「如果……將會怎麼樣?」解,此常用於口語,用於下列兩種狀況:
(1) 用於問他人如果某事,尤指不愉快的事發生時,該怎麼做或會是怎樣的結果。
例:What if he doesn't show up?
(2) 用於提供建議。
例:What if I ask Tom to take over?
(3) What if ...! 當「即使……又有什麼關係」。
例:What if we should fail!

26. Everything revolved around my strict schedule of eating.(見第73行)
 My whole life was controlled by my strict eating schedule.
revolve around 當「繞……轉」解。
例:Even small kids know that the earth revolves around the sun.
revolve v. [I, T] 旋轉;反覆思考
revolution n. 旋轉;轉動;革命;改革
revolving adj. 旋轉的
revolutionary adj. 革命的;大變革的
a revolving chair/stage 旋轉椅/舞台
revolving door 旋轉門
revolving bookstand 旋轉書架
revolving credit 循環信用(即如定期償還部分借款,可在所定限額內繼續借款)
revolving fund 週轉基金(用掉的金額可隨時得到補充)
例:The earth revolves around the sun.
  Their plan revolved around the idea of trying to convince her rather than force her to comply.
  The theory of the revolution of the earth around the sun was proposed by Copernicus.
  The revolution led by Dr. Sun Yat-sen finally ended in victory.
  The Taiwan High Speed Rail represents a revolutionary change in transportation in Taiwan.
  The new theater that opened recently has a fabulous revolving stage.

27. ...I was gluttonous and ugly.(見第75行)
 ...I was an ugly person who always ate like a pig.

28. I found it hard to concentrate on my work or to focus on anything for any length of time.(見第76行)
(1) concentrate 在本課是不及物動詞用法,當「專注」解,因此要接介系詞 on
例: It's hard for me to concentrate on my studies because I'm working on a very important project right now.
concentrate v. [I, T] 全神貫注;專心;集中……;濃縮
concentrate n. [U, C] 濃縮物;濃縮食品
concentration n. [U, C] 集中;集中精神;專心;濃縮
concentrated adj. 集中的;濃縮的
a concentrate of orange juice/orange juice concentrate/concentrated orange juice 濃縮柳丁汁
concentration camp 集中營
concentrated milk 煉乳
例:Please look at your books and concentrate, girls.
  Peter has concentrated all of his attention on his dream of becoming a pop singer.
  Please be quiet. Let your sister concentrate on her studies.
  This work requires absolute concentration.
  She decided to make a concentrated effort to improve her pronunciation.
  There's a bottle of orange juice concentrate in the refrigerator.
(2) focus on當「集中」解。
例: The little boy has difficulty focusing on anything for any length of time.

29. My friends tried to help me but I denied that I had a problem.(見第79行)
deny v. [T] (deny, denied, denied, denying) 否定;否認
denial n. [U, C] 否定;否認
undeniable adj. 不可否認的;不能爭辯的
例:He denied what he had said in the meeting.
  It's hard to believe he gave a flat denial to her request.
  It's undeniable that he is the most handsome guy in the class.

30. ...I had shrunk to smaller than a size zero!(見第81行)
 ...I had become so thin that my clothing size was smaller than size zero.
(1) shrink v. [I] (shrink, shrank/shrunk, shrunk, shrinking)  縮水;變小;減少;退縮;畏縮
例:The cloth shrank after it was washed.
  The little boy shrank back in fear.
  She shrank into herself after her divorce.
(2) a size zero 這裡指的是零號的衣服,實際上,衣服是沒有零號的,用此說法來誇張地描述作者消瘦到連零號都不到。


31. ...my heart felt as though it might beat its way out of my chest.(見第84行)
 ...my heart was pounding extremely hard, and the pounding felt very strange and scary.
(1) as though 當「好像;彷彿」解,連接詞用法,所引導的子句通常用假設法動詞,亦可用 as if 來表達。
例:He talks as if he were a doctor.
as though ... as if ... 的用法:當「好像;彷彿;恰如……一般」解。
1. 用作假設法:
 (1) 與現在事實相反
       as if/as though + S + were/V-ed/could, should, would, might + V ...
       She acts as though she were an adult.
       He talks as if he knew the secret.
 (2) 與過去事實相反
       as if/as though + S + were/had p.p./ could, should, would, might + have p.p. ...
       要注意的是,即使是與過去事實相反 be 動詞還是用 were
       She looked as if she had seen a ghost.
2. as if 也可用作直述法,表有可能發生的事,尤其是用在 look as if ...
      It looks as if our team will win.
3. as if + V-ing/p.p./to V/adj.
    如果 as if 子句的主詞和主要子句的主詞相同時,則可省略as if 後面的主詞和動詞。
    She opened her eyes widely, as if shocked by the announcement.
    He nodded as if to tell me to come in.

(2) beat one's way 當「辛苦地前進」解。這裡是指因不舒服而無法成眠,難受得感覺心臟似乎要衝出來了,當然這是一種誇張的描述。
例: He beat his way through the crowd to get to a place of safety.

32. The combination of starving myself and taking pills to get rid of anything that I did eat caused me to nearly have a heart attack. (見第87行)
(1) starve v. [I, T] 在本課當「捱餓;餓慌了;飢餓」解,常用進行式。
例:I'm starving.
  It is said that some prisoners were tortured and some were starved to death.
starve 除了本課的意思外,還可當「迫切需要;渴望」解,常用進行式。
starvation n. [U] 捱餓;飢餓
die of/from starvation 餓死
starvation diet(控制體重的)斷食/絕食
starvation wages 不夠維持基本生活的工資
The little girl is starving for companionship.
Judy starved herself into shape.

(2) take pills 當「服用藥丸」解。pill 意思是「藥丸;藥片」。無論是服什麼藥,都可用 動詞take 來搭配。
pill n. [C] 藥丸;藥片
tablet n. [C] 藥片
capsule n. [C] 膠囊
sugar-coated pills 糖衣藥丸
Don't forget to take the capsule on the table before you go to bed.
Small kids are usually given sugar-coated pills because they are easier to swallow.

(3) that I did eat 為形容詞子句,修飾前面的 anything。此形容詞子句中的 did 是加強語氣用法,當「真的;確實」解。dodiddoes 是助動詞,用在直述句時,表示加強語氣,可用 really 這個副詞代換,要注意的是動詞將隨著時式而有所改變。
例:He does like dogs.
  = He really likes dogs.
  He did come yesterday.
  = He really came yesterday.
(4) a heart attack 當「心臟病發作」解。搭配動詞是 have,故說 have a heart attack
heart 有關的常用語:
heart disease 心臟病
heart donor 心臟捐贈者
heart failure 心臟衰竭
heart transplant 心臟移植
heart rate 心跳率
heart's desire 衷心期望
a heart of gold 美好的心靈
a man of heart 有人情味的人
have no heart 毫無同情心
break a person's heart 使……心碎/傷心
by heart 默記
from the bottom of one's heart 打從心       底……
with all one's heart (and soul) 全心全意地;由衷地;竭誠地
Cross my heart. 發誓所言屬實。
Learn it by heart, Joseph.
I love you with all my heart and soul.

33. I was really scared, and I knew I needed help.(見第89行)
scared adj. 驚恐的;恐懼的;害怕的
scary adj. 引起驚恐的,可怕的
scare v. [T] 使恐怖;使害怕
scare n. [C] 驚恐;驚慌;恐怖
scarecrow n. [C] 稻草人;嚇唬人的東西
scaredy-cat n. [C] 膽小鬼
scared to death 嚇死的
a scary movie 恐怖片
例:I've always been scared of dogs.
  The movie is both scary and funny.
  The alarm scared us all.
  You really gave us a scare.
  I was scared to death when I heard the scream late at night.

34. My roommate rushed me to the hospital, beginning the long road to my recovery.(見第90行)
rush 在此當「急送」解,為及物動詞用法。
例:The injured boy was rushed to the hospital.
平常rush 還可以當不及物動詞,作「匆忙地行進;輕率地進入;突然發生」解。
rush sb. into sth. 催促某人做某事
rush home 趕回家
rush upstairs/downstairs 衝上╱下樓
rush towards sb. 朝某人衝過來
rush into marriage 倉促成婚
rush to a conclusion 草率地下結論
blood rushes to one's face 驟然臉紅
例:Sheila doesn't want to be rushed into buying the dress even though she likes it very much.
  Knowing a typhoon was coming, everybody rushed home to get ready for it.
  Louise rushed upstairs when she heard her son call for help from his bedroom.
  I'm sure they will regret it someday if they rush into marriage at such a young age.
  Professor Lin wouldn't want to rush to a conclusion without substantial evidence to support it.
  I could feel the blood rushing to my face when I shook hands with my favorite movie star.
a rush of anger 一陣怒意
the rush of city life 都市生活的匆忙
in a rush 匆匆忙忙地
rush hour 交通顛峰時刻
the Gold Rush 淘金潮
例: He hit the man in a rush of anger, and later he felt awful about it.
  Being used to the rush of city life, we found it hard to slow down in the country.
  George ate his breakfast in a rush because he was already late for work.

35. It took doctors, nurses, nutritionists, therapists, medications, food supplements...and most important, a new sense of what was really true about myself to get back on track with reality.(見第91行)
(1) take 在此當「需要」解。it 是虛主詞,真正的主詞是句尾的不定詞片語 to get back on track with reality,說明要 get back on track with reality 是需要醫生、護士、營養師……等等。
例:It takes courage to face failure.
(2) most important 當「最重要的是;更重要的是」解。
同樣說法的有:most important of all = most importantly,這些都屬於一種轉承詞,在寫作文時常用到,用以強調其後所提之事。
(3) ...a new sense of what was really true about myself to get back on track with reality.
 (...I had to develop) a new idea of who I was in order to live in a more rational way.
(4) sense 在此當「意識;意義」解,a new sense of 表「一種新的意義/意識」。
sense 有關的日常用語:
the five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch 五個感官:視覺、聽覺、嗅覺、味覺和觸覺
the sixth sense 第六感
a sense of achievement/beauty/direction/ humor/inferiority/superiority
common sense 常識
in a sense 在某種意義上;有些
make sense 有意義;合情合理
talk sense 言之有理
What he said doesn't make sense.

36. Recovering from what I did to my body and reprogramming the way I think about myself has been a very slow and extremely painful process.(見第95行)
(1) recover 在此是不及物動詞的用法,當「恢復」解,常接介系詞 from
例:He finally recovered from his bad cold.
recover v. [T] 拿回(失去的東西);收復;恢復(健康等);彌補;奪回
recovery n. [U] 拿回;收回;恢復
recover oneself 清醒過來/冷靜下來
recover one's sight/courage 恢復視力/勇氣
recovery room(手術後)恢復室
recovery program 更生計畫(幫助吸毒成癮者復元)
The police recovered her stolen watch.
After the surgery, John was sent to the recovery room.

(2) ...reprogramming the way I think about myself
 ...completely changing the way I think about myself

37. I still struggle with the effects of anorexia every day.(見第97行)
 I still have a lot of problems that were caused by my previous anorexia.

38. I must be honest with myself and stay committed to being healthy.(見第99行)
 I must be honest with myself and continue to work hard to stay healthy.

39. I had used my anorexia as a means of expression and control.(見第101行)
 I had become an anorexic because it was a way for me to feel that I was in control. I used this sickness as a way to feel good about myself.
means 當「手段;方法」解,單複數同形。
例: They used every possible means to rescue the people who had been lost in the mountains.
means 的常用語:
by all means 一定;務必;當然可以(用於回答)
by means of 藉……
by no means; not ... by any means 絕非;絕不
(use) any means 不擇手段
You should by all means read the letter he wrote.
They communicate with one another by means of sign language.
He is by no means a patient person.
My parents will not allow me to drive their car by any means.
He was prepared to use any means necessary to get her to marry him.


40. I used it as my gauge for self-esteem and self-worth.(見第101行)
 I used this sickness as a way to feel good about myself.
self-awareness n. 自覺
self-defense n. 自衛,保護自己
self-deception n. 自欺
self-destruction n. 自我毀滅
self-help n. 自助,自立
self-control n. 自制
self-confidence n. 自信
self-respect n. 自重
self-centered adj. 自我為中心的,自私自利的
self-conscious adj. 自我意識過強的,自覺的
self-evident adj. 不證自明的,不言而喻的
self-explanatory adj. 意義明顯的,不解自明的
例: The divorced woman's self-awareness has brought her happiness in her new life.
  I wonder whether killing a person in self-defense is right or wrong.
  We encourage women to take lessons in self-defense.
  Self-deception is a topic that we've discussed a lot in psychology class.
  Drug abuse is what led to his self-destruction.
  The community center provides a lot of self-help programs for people in this neighborhood.
  I almost lost my self-control and cried when Tim told me the bad news.
  His shyness with girls is due to his lack of self-confidence.
  Don't you have any self-respect? How could you beg him like that?
  Stop being so self-centered! You are not the only one that matters.
  Vicky is very self-conscious about her weight, but her boyfriend doesn't seem to care.
  It is self-evident that her bad mood is related to her breakup with Ted.
  Her gesture was self-explanatory; she will obviously never go out with you.

41. Now I realize that the way to success lies in my heart, mind and soul, rather than in my physical appearance.(見第103行)
(1) lie in 當「在於……」解。
例: True happiness lies in peace and contentment.
(2) rather than當「而不是」解。
例: Oscar decided to get some work experience first rather than go straight on to graduate school.
   I'd like to stay home tonight rather than go out.

