2011年3月7日 星期一


I.  Words for production
1. path n. [C] 方向;道路;路
the path of a comet 彗星的軌道
the path to freedom/success/independence 自由╱成功╱獨立之道
follow one's father's/mother's path 繼承父╱母業
in sb.'s/sth.'s path 在……的路上
cross sb.'s path 擋住某人的去路;妨礙某人
two persons' paths cross 兩人偶遇
例:Using this device, we can observe the path of a comet.
Imagination is a path to freedom, because no matter where you are, you can always imagine you are somewhere else.
Her divorce was painful, yet it became her path to independence.
Danny has decided to follow his father's path and become a lawyer.
The mudslide caused by the typhoon destroyed everything in its path.
It is considered unlucky if a black cat crosses your path.
Three years after they broke up, their paths unexpectedly crossed in a foreign country.

2. self-esteem n. [U] 自重;自尊
esteem n. [U] 尊重;尊敬
hold sb. in high/great esteem 非常尊重某人
例:In this article, the author shows a lot of esteem for the soldiers who died for their country.
Though now as famous as---or even more famous than---his father as a writer, Martin still holds him in great esteem.

3. self-worth n. [U] 自尊
worth n. [U] 價值
of great/little worth 很有價值╱沒什麼價值
例: His contribution is of great worth to this community.

4. sacrifice v. [T] 犧牲
sacrifice n. [C, U] 犧牲
sacrifice sth. for N 為了……犧牲……
sacrifice sth. to V 犧牲……去做……
make a sacrifice 做犧牲
at great personal sacrifice 犧牲個人的時間、金錢等
human sacrifice 活人祭
例:Soldiers must be willing to sacrifice their lives for their country.
Would you like to sacrifice some of your holidays to do volunteer work at the hospital?
Most parents are willing to make sacrifices for their children.
He did make it to the top of the company, yet at great personal sacrifice.
Human sacrifices were offered by some ancient tribes.

6. commitment n. [U, C] 義務;許諾;託付;責任
commit v. [T] 把……委託;犯(罪等)
committed adj. 盡心盡力的;忠誠的
commit oneself 予以承諾;獻身於
commit a crime 犯罪
commit a blunder 犯大錯
commit suicide 自殺
make a commitment to 做……保證;參加……;投身於……
例: We should stay committed to our vision of the future.
Those who commit crimes should pay for what they have done.
He has made a commitment to take care of the orphan until he grows up.

7. discipline n. [U, C] 紀律;訓練;學科
discipline v. [T] 訓練;懲罰
disciplinary adj. 紀律的;懲戒的
a discipline/disciplinary problem 紀律問題
military discipline 軍事訓練
disciplinary action/measures 懲處行動╱措施
disciplinary committee 懲戒委員會
例: Discipline is what those kids need. Look how badly they behave!
This class has a serious discipline problem; the students simply refuse to obey their teacher.
Almost every young man in Taiwan has to undergo military discipline.
The company will take disciplinary action against those found to have disclosed confidential information to other parties.
A disciplinary committee was established for this important case.
8. thrive v. [I] 蓬勃發展;成功
thriving adj. 繁榮的;繁華的
a thriving economy 繁榮的經濟
a thriving business 興隆的生意
a thriving town 一個繁華的城鎮
I thought she would complain about the heavy workload, but she seemed to thrive on it.
Please tell me what the indicators of a thriving economy are.
Plastic surgery has become a thriving business in Taiwan.
I was born in Tamshui, a thriving town near Taipei.

9. inadequate adj. 不夠格的;不夠的
inadequately adv. 不夠地
inadequacy n. [U, C] 不夠格;不夠
例: Whenever I talk to Maggie about Chinese history, I feel hopelessly inadequate, because she knows so much about it.
The facilities of this clinic are inadequate for this type of major surgery.
Public hospitals are often inadequately funded.
Just because Peter is more educated than you are does not mean that you should feel any inadequacy when talking to him.
The inadequacy of the flight control system led to the disaster.

10. perceive v. [T] 認為;發覺;明白;注意到
perception n. [U, C] 知覺;感覺;理解(力);洞察力
perceptive adj.  感覺的;敏銳的
perceptible adj. 明顯的;引人注意的
例:Mr. Lin is a man of keen perception.
Philip is a perceptive young man.
We cannot see any perceptible change in her attitude.

12. torture v. [T] 折磨
torture n. [U, C] 折磨;痛苦;煎熬
torture sb. to death 把某人折磨到死
torture oneself with sth. 用……折磨自己
instruments of torture 刑具
under torture 在刑求之下
例: It is said that his grandfather was tortured to death after being caught by the enemy during the war.
I've been torturing myself for days with the thought that my boyfriend is seeing someone else.
The boys were fascinated by the frightening instruments of torture displayed in the museum.
Under torture, the thief revealed the spot where he had hidden the stolen treasure.

14. diet v. [I] 節食
diet n. [C, U] 飲食;規定飲食(治療或減肥)
a healthy/balanced diet 健康╱均衡的飲食
vegetarian/high-fiber/low-fat/salt-free diet 素食╱高纖維╱低脂╱無鹽飲食
be on a diet 正在進行食療法(治療或減肥)
go on a diet 開始進行食療(治療或減肥)
例: You need to have a balanced diet in order to stay fit.
Fresh air, exercise, and a vegetarian diet helps Daphne maintain her lovely complexion.
It has been reported that people on a high-fiber diet are less likely to get diabetes.
Gloria has been on a salt-free diet for months and her blood pressure is back to normal.
Your cookies smell so good. It's a pity that I'm on a diet.
The doctor suggested that my mother go on a diet to avoid any problems caused by obesity.

16. skip v. [T, I] 略過;使(石頭)飛掠;輕快地跳躍;轉移話題;跳讀
skip breakfast/lunch/dinner 跳過早餐╱午餐╱晚餐不吃
skip school/class 翹課
skip a grade/year 跳一級就讀
sb's heart skips a beat 某人的心跳停了一下
skip rocks/stones over the water 打水漂
Skip it! 別提了;別放在心上
skip from topic A to topic B A主題跳到B主題
skip over certain chapters 跳過某幾章不讀
skip over the details 跳過細節不談
skip through a book 跳著讀完一本書
skip to ... 直接跳到……
例: Skipping breakfast is not good for your health.
Your teacher called to say that you skipped class yesterday. Is it true?
My little brother was so smart that he skipped a grade and became my classmate.
Nora's heart skipped a beat when she saw her high school sweetheart standing in front of her after so many years.
Let's skip stones over the lake.
"I can't hear you! Could you repeat what you just said?" "Oh, skip it, it's not that important anyway."
I got confused when Mr. Reid skipped from World War Two to the Vietnam War so quickly in his lecture.
I know you don't have much time for this book, so I suggest you skip over certain chapters that I think are irrelevant to our topic.
Let's skip over the details and get down to business.
Skipping through a book can give you a general idea of what it is about.
The new contract is almost the same as the old one, so let's just skip to the item that is different and start negotiating.

17. suppress v. [T] 抑制;忍住;鎮壓
suppress a yawn 忍住呵欠
suppress one's anger/annoyance/delight 忍住自己的怒意╱不悅╱喜悅
suppress an inclination to laugh 忍住想笑的  衝動
suppress a revolt 鎮壓一場暴動
例: I tried to suppress a yawn during the speech so as not to appear bored by the speaker.
Although Lucy tried to suppress her inclination to laugh, she failed miserably.
The government has sent out its army to suppress a revolt at the border.

20. envious adj. 羨慕的;嫉妒的
envy v. [T] 羨慕;嫉妒
envy n. [U, C] 羨慕;嫉妒;使人羨慕、嫉妒的對象
enviable adj. 令人羨慕的;引人嫉妒的
out of envy 出於羨慕、嫉妒
with envy 羨慕地;嫉妒地
be filled with envy 充滿羨慕、嫉妒
envy of ... 對……的羨慕、嫉妒
green with envy 嫉妒地眼紅
be the envy of sb. 某人所羨慕、嫉妒的對象
例: His enviable lifestyle includes a sports car, a villa by the sea, and a lot of money to spend.
Elizabeth spoke ill of her sister out of envy, because everybody likes her sister better.
People looked at the lottery winner with envy.
My heart was filled with envy when I saw Scott, the boy I like, with his new girlfriend.
Her envy of Jill's popularity was obvious in her words.
All the boys were green with envy when Barry showed up at the prom with a pretty cheerleader.
Lydia has always been the envy of the girls in her class because she is pretty, smart, and the teacher's favorite student.

22. priority n. [U, C] 優先考慮的事
prior adj. 優先的;在前面的
prioritize v. [T] 安排優先順序
top/first priority 最優先考慮的事
give priority to sth. 優先考慮……
get sb.'s priorities straight/right 把某人的優先順序搞對
prior claim/right 優先權
prior to sth. 在……以前
a prior engagement 早先的約定
prior notice/warning 事前通知╱警告
例: I have many different tasks to do; I need to prioritize them before I get started.
My first priority right now is to study hard and pass the entrance exam.
Usually the company gives priority to job applicants who have experience in this field.
Get your priorities straight! You are a student, so your focus now should be on your studies, not your social life!
Bobby has a prior claim on his father's factory because he is his only heir.
We need to make sure all of the articles are acceptable prior to the signing of this contract.
I would really like to go to the movies with you tonight, but I'm afraid that I have a prior engagement.
If you wish to terminate the agreement in advance, you must give prior notice to the other party.
The bank was closed without prior warning, so all of the depositors turned to the government for help.
posterior adj. 其次的;(動物)後面的、背部的
anterior adj. (動物)前面的
superior adj. 較優的
inferior adj. 低劣的
例: Their system is superior to ours, but more expensive.

24. skinny adj. 皮包骨的
thin adj. 瘦的
slender adj. 苗條的
例:  We want our models to look slender but not skinny.

25. typical adj. 典型的
typically adv. 典型地
a typical example 一個典型的範例
a typical day 典型的一天
a typical case of sth. 一個典型的個案
typical of 典型的
It is typical of sb. to do sth. 某人做某事正是其特色所在
例: Typically, people have barbecues on the Moon Festival.
This is a typical example of bullying behavior.
It is hot and humid outside--just a typical summer day in Taipei.
John's is a typical case of split personality. One personality is weak and gentle while the other is strong and violent.
A meal of a hamburger and fries is typical of American fast food.
It was typical of May to spoil the fun like that.

26. consist v. [I] 組成
consist mainly/largely/primarily of ... 主要╱絕大部分由……所組成
consist entirely/solely of sth. 完全╱單獨由……所組成
consist in 在於
例: Our national baseball team consists mainly of players from the professional baseball league.
This town consists entirely of Amish people.
Happiness consists in contentment.

28. rid v. [T] 除掉;使擺脫
rid the house of rats/mice 幫屋子滅鼠
rid one of one's fears 使某人不再恐懼
rid the streets of crime 打擊街頭犯罪
rid oneself of a bad habit 戒掉自己的壞習慣
get rid of 除去
例: Unless you rid this house of rats you'll never be able to rent it out.
This class helped rid me of my fear of meeting new people.
The new mayor has sworn to rid the streets of crime, but I wonder if he can really do it.
You need to rid yourself of the habit of eating before going to bed, or you will end up gaining more weight.
Patricia needs to get rid of those ugly glasses so that people can see her beautiful eyes.

29. strict adj. 嚴格的;嚴厲的
a strict teacher 一位嚴格的老師
strict limits 嚴格的限制
strict rules 嚴格的規定
strict orders 嚴格的命令
strict with sb. 對某人很嚴格
strict about sth. 在……方面很嚴格
in the strictest sense 嚴格來說
例: He has been a strict teacher ever since he came to this school.
The company sets strict limits on the expense allowances of its employees.
Jack's mother has strict rules about him staying out late.
Officials at City Hall were under strict orders not to comment on the scandal.
Mr. Smith is known to be strict with his children.
This school is very strict about the hairstyles of its students.
Although he was not what you would call handsome in the strictest sense, he was attractive in many ways.

30. chest n. [C] 胸部;胸腔
chest pain/injury 胸口疼痛╱胸部的傷
get sth. off one's chest 傾吐心中的話
例: Mr. Sheffield was sent to the hospital with serious chest pain.
Thanks for listening; I really needed to get that off my chest.

32. attack n. [C] 襲擊;攻擊
attack v. [T] 襲擊;攻擊
a heart attack 心臟病發作
almost have a heart attack 差點心臟病發作;嚇死了
make/begin/launch an attack 進行╱開始╱發動攻擊
be under attack 受到攻擊
a bomb attack 炸彈攻擊
a panic/anxiety attack 恐慌症╱焦慮症發作
an asthma attack 氣喘發作
My grandfather had a heart attack a few days ago and is still in a critical condition.
I almost had a heart attack when I saw my wife come in, because I was flirting with a waitress at the time.
General Lee is planning to launch an attack by dawn.
The city has been under attack for several months and many people have died.
The terrorists threatened a bomb attack if the government should reject their demands.
Some symptoms of a panic attack are as follows: weakness and dizziness, a racing heartbeat, and chest pains.
Lucy had an asthma attack just a few minutes ago and was taken to hospital right away.

33. therapist n. [C] 治療師
therapy n. [U] 治療
therapeutic adj. 治療的
例: The therapeutic effects of this medicine are still debatable.
aromatherapy 芳香治療
psychotherapy 心理治療
physical therapy 物理治療
radiation therapy 幅射治療
laser therapy 雷射治療
gene therapy 基因治療
behavior therapy 行為治療
cognitive therapy 認知治療

34. supplement n. [C] 補充物;增刊
supplement v. [T] 增補;加上附錄
vitamin supplements 維他命營養品
an annual supplement to an encyclopedia 百科全書每年增訂本
a supplement to the dictionary containing new words 包含新字在內的字典增訂本
supplement ... with/by ... 用……來補充……
例: He supplements his low income with a part-time job at night.

35. effect n. [C, U] 後果;效力
the domino effect 骨牌效應
the ripple effect 漣漪效應
the greenhouse effect 溫室效應
a side effect 副作用
sound effects 音效
special effects 特效
come into effect 生效
例: The new tax law will come into effect by the end of this month.

II. Words for recognition
6. anorexia n. [U] 厭食;食慾減退
anorexia全名應為anorexia nervosa
常見的飲食精神疾病(eating disorder)除了厭食症以外,還包括下列三種:
bulimia nervosa (binge and purge syndrome) 暴食症(暴食一陣後,會用嘔吐或把食物從口中挖出以補償)
binge-eating disorder 過食症(當感覺飲食失控時,會吃大量食物來彌補)
compulsive overeating 強迫性進食症

7. teaspoon n. [C] 茶匙
tablespoon 湯匙

1. to some degree 在某種程度上;有點;多少
= to a (certain) degree
= to some extent / to a certain extent / to an extent
to a great/large extent 大部分
例: I attribute my success to a great extent to my wife's support.
to a lesser extent (= less) 比較不
例: People here were affected by the typhoon to a lesser extent than those in other places.
to a greater extent (= more) 比較多
例: Although this pill worked, it caused side effects to a greater extent than the other one did.

2. keep up 跟上
keep up 維持;保持;使繼續
例: She was taught to keep up appearances no matter how difficult it is.
It takes a lot of money to keep up a big mansion like this.
Keep up this pace and you'll arrive at your destination in no time.
keep sb. up 使人夜不成眠
例: The noise from the construction site kept me up all night long.
Keep up the good work! 做得很好,繼續保持下去!
Keep it up. 繼續努力,繼續加油

4. cut back on 削減
cut back on 可指縮減食物的量或者東西的數量
例: If you're having trouble sleeping, maybe you should cut back on coffee.
The company is cutting back on its staff because it is losing money.
cutback n. [C] 減少
例: The economic recession has led to a lot of cutbacks.

6. a state of ……的狀態
in a state of despair 在絕望的狀態
例: Worried that her mother may never speak to her again, Sandra is in a state of despair.
in a state of shock 在驚訝的狀態
例: We have been in a state of shock since the announcement was made.

7. hang out 無所事事地度日子
hang out at/in + 地點 在(地點)閒晃、徘徊
例: Lots of high school students hang out at the mall after school.
hang out with sb. 跟某人閒晃
例: I used to hang out with James all the time, but after he got married, we saw each other less.
hang sth. out (to dry) 把……掛在外面、晾在外面(風乾)
例: You are soaking wet! Hang your coat out to dry.
hangout n.  [C] 聚集所
例: Pubs in Taiwan are popular hangouts for young people.

9. by no means 絕不
not ... by any means 無論用任何方法也不……
例: You can not beat him by any means. He is simply invincible.
by all means 必定;(加強回答)當然可以
例: "May I take a look at your new necklace?" "Yes, by all means."
by means of 利用;依賴
例: We shall see what the Great Pyramid of Giza looks like by means of these slides.

11. have nothing to do with 跟……無關
have little to do with 跟……沒什麼關係
例: Her success as an actress has had little to do with her mother, who is also an actress.
have something to do with 跟……有點關係
例: I'm not sure, but I think the couple's problems have something to do with money.
have much/a lot to do with 跟……大有關係
例: The rapid growth of e-commerce has a lot to do with the widespread availability of the Internet.

