16. stock n. [U, C] 存貨;貯存
stock v. [T] 庫存;貯存
out of stock 缺貨
in stock 有存貨
have a good/huge/rich stock of something(知識等的)蓄積
stock up on something
Buy now while stocks last! 要買要快!
例:We still have three pairs of these boots in stock.
The old man survived two World Wars and has a good stock of wartime stories to tell.
People have been stocking up on rice wine since hearing that the price is going to go up drastically.
17. conduct v. [T] 進行(實驗、調查等);指揮(樂團、唱詩班等);傳導(熱、光、電流等);處理,經營
conductor n. [C] 指揮;傳導體;車掌
conduct n. [U] 行為;品行
semiconductor n. [C] 半導體
conduct sb. to ... 引導某人去……
conduct oneself + 狀態副詞(片語) 行為舉止……
例:Marvin is a born scientist. He loves to conduct experiments and find things out.
Carson’s dream is to conduct an orchestra in the National Concert Hall.
Plastic does not conduct electricity but copper does.
The Internet helps people conduct business from anywhere in the world.
Bella was proud to be the conductor of a well-known orchestra.
Some metals are good conductors of electricity, but some aren’t.
The conductor on the train is checking passengers’ tickets.
Lily was very embarrassed by her husband’s violent conduct at the party.
The moment I arrived at the school, a student conducted me to the principal’s office.
Tom conducted himself far better than his aunt had expected.
18. radical n. [C] (化學用語)基;激進分子;(中國字的)偏旁;部首
radical adj. 激進的;根治的,徹底的
radically adv. 根本地
radicalism n. [U] 激進主義
radical (sign) (數學)根號
例: Some of Clare’s friends are political radicals, and several of them have been arrested.
You can look up a Chinese character according to its radical.
This party is well known for its radical views on feminism.
The school made radical changes to its outdated rules, making the students feel quite excited.
The professor decided to adopt a radically new approach to her teaching methods.
Mark is a Gemini, and he is a strange mixture of conservatism and radicalism.
19. irreparable adj. 不能修補的;不能挽回的
irreparably adv. 不能修補地;不能挽回地
repairable adj. 可修理的;可挽回的
repair n. [U, C] 修補;修理
repair v. [T] 修補;修理
請注意 repairable 與其反義字 irreparable 的拼法及音標。
irreparable damage/harm/loss 不能修補的損 壞/不可彌補的傷害/無法挽回的損失
beyond repair 無法修理的
under repair 在修理中(的)
in good/bad/... repair 狀況良好/不佳
例:The car has been irreparably damaged. You’d better buy a new one.
Even if the car is still repairable, the repairs might cost you a fortune.
Despite her efforts to repair the mistake she made, people still seem reluctant to forgive her.
The old castle is under repair.
Linda’s husband’s unfaithfulness caused irreparable harm to her emotional health.